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Testing and product validation is a critical aspect of supporting any product claiming biodegradability, Reverte™ has been demonstrated to provide reliable, safe and reproducible biodegradation results in a range of polyolefin films tested to internationally recognised standards.

Performance - Biodegradation Results

Reverte™ has been demonstrated to provide reliable, safe and reproducible biodegradation results in a range of polyolefin films tested to internationally recognised standards.

Reverte™ treated polyethylene film has been tested under ASTM D6954-24 conditions by an independent laboratory over a 180-day period of incubation under dry (58°C ± 2°C), aerobic controlled composting conditions using test method ASTM D 5338. Full Report Available Here MUM/001293A/2023 The cellulose sample (positive control) was biodegraded 100% after 97 days, while sample of polyethylene film containing 1wt% Reverte BD 92771 sample (Laboratory ref code -16473264) sample showed >94% biodegradation after only 180 days. This is clear demonstration of the use of Reverte™ biodegradable additives as an effective method to render standard polyolefin films totally biodegradable, passing the 90% biodegradation mark which internationally is considered ‘totally biodegradable’.

The level of proven biodegradation as a result of Reverte™ transforming the polyolefin to low molecular weight biodegradable materials demonstrates that no microplastics are formed.

  • ReverteTM has been independently tested and proven to safely biodegrade polyethylene, polypropylene and polyester films in accordance with ASTM D6954-24, producing CO2, H2O and biomass, it does not produce microplastics
  • ReverteTM treated films have been shown to have no toxic effects when tested in accordance with OECD 207 & 208.
  • ReverteTM is approved for use in food contact applications according to EU and FDA legislation.
  • Reverte™ does not contain heavy metals such as those prescribed by EN13432 and RoHS3 such as but not limited to, cadmium, chromium (VI) lead or mercury.
  • Reverte™ containing films are suitable for both mechanical and chemical recycling.


Testing and product validation is a critical aspect of supporting any product claiming biodegradability. Wells has played a significant role within ASTM over recent years, in particular being the Technical Lead in the development of Standards in sub-committee D20.96 for polymers that ‘biodegrade in the environment’ which is responsible for ASTM D6954-24. The landmark standard test guide ASTM D6954-24, Standard Guide for Exposing and Testing Plastics that Degrade in the Environment by a Combination of Oxidation and Biodegradation was initially published in 2004, has evolved and refined several times since, most recently in 2024. It recognises the variability of the conditions in the open environment, not imposing artificial time-frames on the various aspects of the biodegradation processes characterised in the laboratory testing environment. For a more in-depth comparison between the various test methods available please click Here (note BS 8472, UAE S 5009 & SASO 2879 are similar methods to ASTM D6954-24).

Reverte™ also holds a number of important quality marks, recognising not only the compliance of Reverte™ with local standards but also the quality and manufacturing procedures, controls and processes in place to deliver the highest possible quality and support of any biodegradable additive manufacturer.

Please click Here to view the current certificates.

In addition, Wells PM has collated extensive independent third-party testing results and thousands of internal Tier One tests for our customers generated in our onsite laboratories operating in accordance with ISO17025.

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